Plug-In Electric Vehicle & Charging Station Survey
August 11, 2017 / Octavo Designs / General
Energetics Incorporated is developing a Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV) Charging Infrastructure Plan for the City of Frederick. PEVs include battery electric vehicles with no internal combustion engine (Nissan Leaf, Chevy Bolt, etc.) and plug-In hybrid electric vehicles (Chevy Volt, Toyota Prius Prime, etc.). The project’s goal is to recommend charging infrastructure to serve current and future PEVs in the City. This will include identifying the number of and ideal locations for the chargers.
Project Summary – PEVs include battery electric vehicles with no internal combustion engine (Nissan Leaf, Chevy Bolt, etc.) and plug-In hybrid electric vehicles (Chevy Volt, Toyota Prius Prime, etc.). The project’s goal is to develop a PEV charging infrastructure implementation plan to serve the City’s current and future PEVs. This includes identifying the ideal locations for, and the numbers of, the chargers.
Public Survey – Two related PEV use/plan focused surveys were developed to collect stakeholder feedback from two groups: 1) Current/Future Potential PEV Drivers and 2) Employers located in the City of Frederick. The survey links are below.
Current/Future Potential PEV driver focused survey
Employer focused survey