Looking for local photographers for Golden Mile-In Focus
May 5, 2020 / Golden Mile Alliance / Uncategorized
Golden Mile – In Focus is a public art project created by award winning artist Wing Young Huie coming in June 2020 to the Golden Mile. In addition to photographs by Mr. Huie, local photographers can submit photographs for potential inclusion in the project.
Images of identity, culture and otherness will document our community, share our stories and unite us in a time of need. Please participate, share your voice and help us offer a hopeful and uplifting way to
recover together. This project could not be more relevant than it is right now. As we navigate this pandemic we are uncovering new ways to interact and communicate, and it becomes increasingly important that we understand each other.
Email photographs: info@frederickartscouncil.org or Upload to: https://tinyurl.com/photo-project. The deadline for submitting images is May 20, 2020. Golden Mile in Focus is scheduled to open in June, 2020.
If you are a business or property owner on the Golden Mile and would like to join the companies offering space as part of this community-wide exhibition, please contact info@frederickartscouncil.org.