City of Frederick Implements New Utility Grant Program
This program, funded by the City’s portion of the Coronavirus Relief Fund – CARES Act, offers one-time financial assistance of past-due water and sewer bills to eligible City residents. The program will assist with any unpaid regular residential water and sewer bills dated between June 1, 2020– November 6, 2020. For further information click on the title above.

On December 1, 2020 let's all unite for a worldwide celebration of generosity! Be a hero to your favorite non-profit and donate to their cause. This has been a difficult year for non-profits so show kindness and generosity in all its forms by giving your voice, time, money, goods, and advocacy to support your community and causes. Donate to the non-profit of your choice. If that includes supporting the Golden Mile Alliance please hit the DONATE BUTTON above.

Golden Mile Business – Third Round of Grants by City of Frederick
Attention Golden Mile Businesses: A new grant round is open at the City of Frederick with expanded criteria. If you missed the earlier grant rounds, this one has even more opportunities to qualify. Grants applications can be accepted from today through Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. Full program information and the application can be found at: https://www.businessinfrederick.com/.../Back-In-Business...
Virtual Pumpkin Carving Contest – Golden Mile Alliance
As we all know, Halloween will be different this year, so why not have a VIRTUAL PUMPKIN CARVING CONTEST! We are all looking for new and safe ways to celebrate Halloween! The Golden Mile Alliance is looking for lovers of the Golden Mile to get their creative juices flowing and create their best pumpkin art masterpiece! The contest will be held Saturday, October 31 – HALLOWEEN. For information on how to participate - check out the Golden Mile Alliance Facebook page.

Golden Mile Alliance 2020 Accomplishment for Businesses and Residents of the Golden Mile
The Golden Mile Alliance is working hard to drive the Golden Mile area to be a welcoming, economically strong, and desirable commercial and residential community. We are here to support the Golden Mile businesses and residents. Check out our 2020 Accomplishments. If you like what we are doing for the Golden Mile, you might want to consider joining the Golden Mile Alliance as a volunteer or Board member. For more information check out the website or contact info@goldenmilealliance.org.

Golden Mile – The Selection Committee for New Police Chief wants your input
As the search for Frederick’s next Chief of Police continues, Mayor O’Connor has tasked the External Search Committee with developing a comprehensive plan to garner public feedback. To ensure the committee engages various community stakeholders, there are many opportunities for you to share feedback and participate in the process.

Golden Mile Alliance Has Gotten Creative!
Golden Mile Alliance has gotten creative in our focus on Golden Mile businesses with the help of 88 Visual. Look for our new video coming very soon!

Check out the new "Fired Up" Grants being made available by the Frederick County Office of Economic Development. Click on the Title for more information.