Golden Mile Businesses – New Grant Program Announced
Frederick County has announced a new small business grant program for those impacted by COVID-19. Applications open May 28,2020! Application and detailed information can be found at https://www.frederickcountymd.gov/8096/Jump-Start-Frederick-County-Business-Gra Spread the word!

Frederick is looking to unveil options next week for expanded outdoor dining to accommodate restaurants in the city once dine-in service is allowed to return. The city is developing possible ways to accommodate restaurants and bars for limited capacity dining at some point in the future. In shopping centers along the city’s Golden Mile and elsewhere, it could allow property managers to reconfigure parking spaces and internal sidewalks to help with outdoor dining and retail sales. What would businesses, property owners, and residents like to see on the Golden Mile. Let us know what you think!

Looking for local photographers for Golden Mile-In Focus
Golden Mile – In Focus is a public art project created by award winning artist Wing Young Huie coming in June 2020 to the Golden Mile. In addition to photographs by Mr. Huie, local photographers can submit photographs for potential inclusion in the project. Get additional information by clicking on above title.

Update on Golden Mile’s Westside Regional Park
The National Park Service is considering Westside Regional Park as "a permanent home for the park service’s Historic Preservation Training Center, and the Harpers Ferry Center-Museum Conservation and Collections facility, a complex that could ultimately bring up to 150 jobs to the city." The Frederick News-Post l fredericknewspost.com
Attention Golden Mile Restaurants: Check out the Maryland Relief fund offering $2,500 grants!
The Maryland Restaurant Relief fund is providing up to $2,500 in grants to as many qualifying grantees as possible to help support the Maryland restaurant industry in need of financial assistance during this time. Application for the grants can be found at Corecares.org/maryland-restaurant-relief-fund/
Frederick County Business Financial Tool
The Frederick County Office of Economic Development has created a tool to help businesses navigate federal and state programs such as the Emergency Relief Manufacturing Fund, SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan, CARES Act Paycheck Protection Program Loan, and more. Easily compare business grants and loans and stay up to date on what is currently being offered. The Frederick County Business Financial Tool can be downloaded at http://www.discoverfrederickmd.com/covid-19. This tool was created in partnership with Orases, TechFrederick, and local leaders. If you have any questions please call 301-600-1058 or email info@discoverfrederickmd.com

Frederick Arts Council is working with award-winning artist Wing Young Huie on Golden Mile – In Focus
The Frederick Arts Council is working with award-winning artist Wing Young Huie on Golden Mile - In Focus - a public art project which will cover Frederick's Golden Mile and open this June. We are asking businesses if they would be interested in participating by providing exhibition space —either outdoor space on your building or outdoor space in windows or on walls of your business and/or property. Sponsoring this prominent public exhibition will provide your company with local and regional exposure. For more information on project and how to participate, please click on title above.